How many times have you thought: Why did you do that? What were you thinking? Wouldn't it be great to have your own personal translator to interpret child behavior? Here's your translator!

Need a Translator to Interpret Child Behavior?

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How many times have you asked your child “WHY DID YOU DO THAT????” (Or worse yet, thought WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?????) You know the questions are rhetorical, because the answer is always “I don’t know.” And the truth is, they really don’t know. What if you had a translator to interpret your child’s behaviors for you? Would you want to interpret child behvior? Read on, my friend. Read on.

How many times have you thought: Why did you do that? What were you thinking? Wouldn't it be great to have your own personal translator to interpret child behavior? Here's your translator! #interpretchildbehavior #sensoryprocessing101

What’s There To Interpret?

Our bodies communicate with us all the time every day! Yawn? Body says you’re tired. Tummy grumble? Body says you’re hungry. Salivate? Body says that chocolate cake in the bakery looks delicious! Get sick? Body says we’ve been invaded! So why would it be any different for our children? Children are already at a disadvantage in communicating what’s going on with their bodies simply because of their age and lack of life experience.

So why wouldn’t we watch the communications from their bodies and want to translate the behavior into a message we can use to help us understand them better? But, wait, there’s more! What if we could share what we learn from their behaviors with them so that they would be empowered and have more knowledge about their own bodies? That is powerful!! And it’s something every parent, caregiver and teacher can learn.

Why Interpret Child Behavior?

Do you remember how great it was when your children began to speak? You could finally hear what was going on in their little minds. It was amazing! But then as they continued to grow up, they started with behaviors that maybe you didn’t understand. Running all over the place at bedtime was a behavior that translated to “I’m OVERtired!” They didn’t understand how to translate the behavior, but, as parents and caregivers, we figured it out. Yet there are still so many child behaviors that just seem to defy interpretation. Am I right? We need a translator!

What Can I Do To Interpret Child Behavior?

What if there was a “translator” that could interpret child behavior based on their body signals? Frankly, sometimes being in a room of children makes me feel like being at a UN meeting without a translator. It seems like every child speaks his own “body language.” You need a translator. The child who plays quietly in the corner and doesn’t always engage? We’ve all met the child who runs endless circles. What about the jumper? The climber? The chewer? The one who loves to crash into you and anyone else? The chatty one? Yes! Translators for child behavior, please.

A Brand New Tool To Interpret Child Behavior

That’s where Sensory Processing 101 comes in. A parent/teacher and two occupational therapists set out to provide parents with a guide that could interpret child behavior to help you understand why they do what they do and what they need. Then you can help them. It’s that easy.

Discover the Power of Sensory Processing

Want to know why your child or one of his friends either can not stand being upside down or just can’t get enough of being upside down? In Sensory Processing 101, you can look up “upside down” in the index. That will take you to the chapter in the book that discusses the body sense in question. Did you know that we actually have eight senses? Not five? The sense in question is our vestibular sense which governs all of our movement. Then, you can easily follow the color/symbol code to find activities that these children will find fun – whether they love or hate being upside down.

How many times have you thought: Why did you do that? What were you thinking? Wouldn't it be great to have your own personal translator to interpret child behavior? Here's your translator! #interpretchildbehavior #sensoryprocessing101
What sensory systems are being developed when children have fun hanging upside down?

Have you gotten a note from the teacher saying your child just won’t sit still at school? You can easily look up “sit still” and get great information to help you translate that behavior into the needs your child has in the moment. Then you have knowledge that you can share both with your child and your child’s teacher. Sensory Processing 101 provides you with the knowledge to translate the behavior and also the tools to address the behavior in an appropriate way. Score for the teacher! Score for you! And, most importantly, huge score and life lesson for your child!

How many times have you thought: Why did you do that? What were you thinking? Wouldn't it be great to have your own personal translator to interpret child behavior? Here's your translator! #interpretchildbehavior #sensoryprocessing101
What sensory systems are still developing when children have a really hard time sitting still?

Having this translator can change the way you see your child.  As parents, it’s so easy to become frustrated by certain child behaviors. But try to remember that your child isn’t giving you a hard time, he is having a hard time. And the best way you can help is to be there for him and help him understand why he’s having a hard time. And to teach him skills to move past the hard time. This is one of the best tools out there to become a more “tuned in” parent! This is one of the best tools out there to raise a child who can self regulate and who has emotional intelligence. In my opinion, there’s not really any better gift you could give your children!

Not only is Sensory Processing 101 a great index and tool for parents and caregivers, but the activities section is great fun for all children! All the systems in children’s bodies are maturing so quickly when they are little. So, just as we encourage them to run to develop gross motor skills, so should we encourage engaging and fun activities to help all of their sensory systems develop and integrate properly. Sensory Processing 101’s activities section gives you so many fun, engaging ideas that your child will love playing! (Only you have to know that it’s good for them too 🙂

Sensory Processing 101 is easily indexed for quick and convenient use by parents, teachers, or caregivers. You can search the index by behavior, sense, or activity. It’s like three books in one – sensory processing explained; activities for kids; and resources to learn more. It’s a great idea to buy a copy for yourself and pass a copy on to your child’s teacher, aunt, uncle, grandparent, caregiver, or anyone else who doesn’t have their own copy yet!

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